Heraldry Signet Identity
Specially created engraved seal or decorative design signet rings.
Family crest, initial or symbol of choice can be added.
Order a signet ring with your own design.
Have a look through the shapes and metal choices and decide which is for you
If you know your finger size thats great, just add in the order. If not request one to be sent out to you in the order, and forward on the size once you are happy.
You may have a family crest or want to create your own as new, send in the design to be reviewed.
History & Origin
Originally signet rings were emblazoned with a family crest and they would frequently be used to stamp, or sign a document. The metal shapes would leave a permanent mark in any soft wax or even clay and this would be placed onto a variety of legal documents. Some of the most important documents in history have been stamped with a signet ring. In its day the stamp of a ring was seen as more authentic than a signature.
Signet rings have likely evolved out of the cylindrical seals used by the ancient Mesopotamians as marks of authenticity and distinction in around 3500 BC. But it was the ancient Egyptians that gave signet rings the recognizable form they have today, attaching seals to rings both for convenience and as a mark of individual authority.
Every ring was unique, the markings usually included the family crest but there would always be a significant mark which personally identified the ring holder. Some of the rings were simple monograms or icons which were associated with the most important families. All rings were reverse engineered to ensure that the design came out properly when they were stamped on a document. Of course, this level of detail also ensured the rings were expensive and very difficult to copy.